Appointments can be made by phoning us on (07) 3397 7709, Monday to Friday between 8:30am and 5:00 pm.
Our standard appointment time is usually 15 minutes but if longer consultation time is required, please let reception staff know when you book the appointment.
We required patients to make an appointment to see the doctor unless it is an emergency. Emergency appointments are available, and we always endeavour to see emergency patient immediately without delay even if they don’t have an appointment.
Bulk Billing is available to all Medicare card holders and Department of Veteran Affairs patients.
Patients who do not have a Medicare card are privately billed. The cost of a standard consultations is $70.00 and a longer consultation is $90.00. Payments are by cash or EFTPOS.
After hours
The after-hours service is provided by the “Home Doctor Service”. If medical attention is required, please phone the surgery on (07) 3397 7709 and your call will be transferred to the “Home Doctor Service” who will make arrangements for a home visit.
The after-hours services are bulk-billed for concession holders and members of the “Home Doctors Medical Society”.
If care is needed on Saturday between 8.30am and noon time, please visit Urgent Care Clinic located at level 4/20 Cornwall Street, Woolloongabba, inside Cornwall Street Medical Centre, Ph 07 3346 1315.
Home visits
Home visits may be arranged at the treating doctor’s discretion for regular patients whose condition prevents them from attending the surgery.
Receiving and Returning phone calls
Doctors in the surgery may be contacted during normal operating hours. In an emergency, your call will be immediately transferred to either a doctor or nurse on duty. All other calls are documented and returned when a nurse of doctor becomes available.
Recalls and Reminders
Greenslopes Doctors Surgery uses a recall/reminder system to contact our patient on behalf of the doctors for follow up of Pap Smear result, test results immunisations and other preventative health care issues.
Please inform our reception staff if you received a recall/reminder letter when making your appointment.
Health information and Privacy
Your medical records are only available to authorised members of staff and will be kept confidential at all time. The information will only be revealed with your consent or where justified by law.
If you required a copy or any part of your medical records, it will be conducted in conjunction with your doctor. An administration fee may be charged for a copy of your record or for the consultation time with your doctor. Greenslopes Doctors Surgery complies with the Privacy Act 1998, including the way we collect, store, use and disclose health information.
Feedback and Complaints
Greenslopes Doctors Surgery is constantly striving to improve the quality of care we provide to our patients. From time to time, the Practice invites patients to complete patients to complete a questionnaire as to ways in which the Practice can be improved.
We encourage you to fill out a patient feedback form and lodge it in the feedback/complaints box located in our waiting area.
If a satisfactory outcome is not achieved, then a complaint can be directed to the Office of the Health Ombudsman by calling 133 646.